Higher Education Teaching Experience

During my doctoral studies at the University of Northern Colorado, I have co-taught and/or created course materials for these online undergraduate and graduate courses using Canvas LMS:

In their course evaluations, students reported that my video lectures were “easy to follow and understand” and that the resources I provided were “useful in practical applications.”

School-Based Professional Development

I have conducted in-person professional development at public and private elementary schools covering a range of topics:

  • Inclusive education
  • Co-teaching
  • Evidence-based reading instruction
  • Multi-Tiered System of Supports
  • School-wide screening for reading difficulties
  • Assessing children with disabilities
  • Reading with your child (for caregivers)

Undergraduate Syllabus & Course Design

EDSE 201: Introduction to Co-teaching is a sample undergraduate course I created that includes a syllabus and two fully developed units.

It aligns learning objectives with InTASC and CDE professional standards, presents content using multiple modalities, provides students with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, and connects theory to practice with a co-teaching practicum experience.

I used LiveBinders to make this open-access sample. I am also proficient in creating and editing courses with Canvas LMS.

Self-Paced Online Professional Development Course

My online course Teaching Reading: Quickstart Guide for Teachers and Caregivers equips teachers and caregivers with foundational knowledge about assessing and teaching phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. 

Theories, frameworks, and research are presented through instructional videos, ongoing assessments provide immediate feedback to students about their learning, and a variety of practical resources are provided to help participants get started teaching reading.

Participants report that “‘instruction is clear, organized and easy to follow” and that the course is “very informative and explained in simple language.”

This course– hosted by Udemy–  has been taken by over 80 students from 6 continents and has an average rating of 4.9/5 stars.

Practical Classroom Resources

One of my commitments as an instructor is to provide pre- and in-service teachers with the “why” and the “how” of evidence-based instruction. I enjoy creating and sharing practical classroom resources that make it easy for teachers to implement what they have learned.